District Update September 2019

For info the first District Exec of the new season is on the 26th September where amongst other things we will be talking Capitation (do you know something we at District don’t Jon?).  If you’ve anything suitable you want discussing at this meeting please let me know by Wednesday 18th September please.

Thank you to all of you who have had their AGM’s for the year ending February 2019.  There are still a handful outstanding though and we are now outside the 6 month grace period given by the SA to have got them done.  I won’t name and shame but you know who you are so if you can let me know when they are please, certainly before the 26th September when I report to the District Exec.

The one District committee who have been meeting on a more than regular basis over the summer is the Willesley Sub-Committee.  They’re putting a shift in what with improvements to the electrics, ongoing refurbishment of the Camper Toilet Block and replacement of the Warden’s Accommodation as well as the usual stuff around site.  This on top of a very busy camping season – as of today we are on a par with last season yearly bookings and up on the numbers of campers experiencing nights under canvas.  And the use of District sections has also increased significantly.

There are a couple of new members to the District Team.  Andy Stafford re-joins us after a non-uniformed stint in another County District to develop a District Scout Network.  Alison Stafford (yes, the wife of!) has stepped down from the role of leader at Icarus ESU to keep her hand in as District Explorer Scout Administrator (DESA!).  Her role is vitally important in the transition of our young people from Scouts to Explorer Scouts and more will be coming on this later.  The role as leader in Icarus has been taken by Helen Proffitt (1st Appleby with Measham Scouts).  Finally we say a sad goodbye to Dave Hislop at the end of this month as he moves out of the area.  So thanks to all and there will be more to tell you about hopefully in the coming weeks.

County Section meetings are currently taking place over the next couple of weeks, culminating in a DC’s meeting at County on the 23rd September.  District will be having Sectional meetings as soon as possible after.  In prep for the DC’s meeting I know that compliance & training will be on the table as it is a hot topic at the moment.  So if you have Leaders in your Groups without the required First Aid, Safeguarding or Safety please expect a tap on the shoulder!  Your link for County provided courses to self-book is http://www.leicestershirescouts.org.uk/about/training-diary-beta/.

Finally two other key Scouting dates coming up.  District Appointments 19th September @ Hugglescote Scout HQ (see Chris Beeby – cmbeeby@sky.com) and the next County Chief Scout’s Gold 21st October @ County HQ (book via me – form attached).

I think that’s it for now – loads to get through so will be dropping regular emails in to you as time allows.  We will be having a GSL’s get together & District Explorer Leader’s Meeting… before Christmas!

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