Young Leader – Registration & Placement

Hello GSL’s and ADC’s

Mark today’s date, the 6th November 2017, as the date when in Ashby & Coalville we take the first quite significant steps in getting the Young Leaders in District moving in the right direction!

Up to now the system of placement, training and most importantly recognition has been very ad-hoc in the District although in some places it has been working – all except the recognition of achievement.  However we are not unique and because of this as a County holistic approach has been taken that gives us all a chance to get it right.

Part one is to find out where we are at in terms of Young Leaders in the District.

Attached is the new County YL1 Form which should be read, completed and signed by not only the Young Person but all the adults them come in to contact with as a Young Leader.  There is the Section Leader of the section where they will be joining the leadership team (this may be more than one person if across multiple sections), the Group Scout Leader and the Explorer Scout Leader of the Unit they attend (if relevant).

It is so important we all understand as Scout Leaders what our obligations are to the Young Person and they know what it is they can expect of us.  The Placement Agreement lays this out clearly and we should all adhere to this.

Remember – some young people will not be Scout Association members, completing the scheme for their D of E Volunteering.  We still need to register them and train.  Hopefully they will like it and stick around!

Please send completed forms back to me and as District we will register and cross reference to all those who have attended Young Leader intensive training and other County courses.

It is important that we get the recognition due not only for those current Young Leaders but also for those who have been Young Leaders in the past.  So please can you complete these forms as much as possible for those you know about but may not now be in Explorer Scouts.  Where possible we will recognise their achievements.

The pinnacle to all this are the badges and the Young Leader Buckle.  Attached is the form YL3 and where the Young Leader has completed all their modules and missions then we shall present them with both certificate and belt.  Please complete as you would a Chief Scout’s Award and send on to me for checking, signing and submission to County.

So what if the second part?  Well, this is still being put together and will encompass how we as District deliver training locally and further integration of our Young Leaders in County led courses.  Information on this will be out shortly.  In the meantime please direct all your Young Leaders over to the ACES Young Leader Unit on Facebook as this is where info will be posted.  Please let me know of any not on Facebook.

Hopefully you can see where it all fits together but if you’ve any questions please get in touch.

I look forward to seeing our leaders of tomorrow getting the support and recognition they so much deserve.

Yours in Scouting

Duncan Watts

District Commissioner

Ashby & Coalville

Leicestershire Scouts

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