Welcome Home… District Scout Network

Hello Scouters

Last night was a bit of a historic night for this District (about time some might say) when we held a small meeting of a new District Scout Network (over a chip supper of course!).

This is a section that has been sadly lacking in organisation/support not only in this District but possibly wider and needed attention.  Scout Network is a vitally important part in the development of young people in Scouting not least because it gives existing leadership some sort of Scouting retirement plan if one required!

The Network (name to be decided) comes under the guidance of a District Scout Network Commissioner and I’m delighted to announce that Andy Stafford, formerly of this parish, is returning to Ashby & Coalville to pull all this together.  I’ll leave him to make his introductions as he goes about things… but to some, he may need little or no introduction.

For details of the section please visit https://scouts.org.uk/network/being-part-of-network/ and if there is anything you want to know please drop Andy or myself an email.

Basically all 18-25 year olds in the District are invited, if they wish, to become Scout Network members.  This includes current leaders, ex-Explorer Scouts and anybody else in the age bracket who wants to experience Scouting even if they are away in higher education or work away but want to be part of District Scouting.  So please extend this invitation to those you know of.

If current leaders don’t want to be involved then that’s fine, they just need to let us know, but this is the only way they can continue their own Scouting progression to either the higher Chief Scout’s Awards, hopefully Queen’s Scout Award.  There is also opportunity to complete their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award if enrolled.

As over 18 years Scout Network members are classified as adults and need to be recorded on Compass (some already are if existing leaders).  They need to complete the Adult Information Form (attached) and this sent across to Andy or myself to be added.  If required to, under TSA rules they will also need a valid DBS.  See https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search?cat=268%2C368%2C824%2C825&dm_t=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0.  And currently there is no capitation to pay.

Finally there is a District Scout Network Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/524175497604301 to direct members to and where event information will be posted.  I think it’s indoor rock climbing first thing in the New Year… with possibly a post activity debrief in a local hostelry to assess performance.

I look forward to your continued support of Scouting in District and genuinely excited to see this getting off the ground and seeing it develop.

Yours in Scouting

Duncan Watts

District Commissioner

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